Mikhail Shirokikh

Email: mscirokikh@yandex.ru
Link to CV: https://arabel1a.github.io/me/
Level: PhD, Internship, Research Visit
Keywords: Machine Learning, Decision Science, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, SAT solving, Recommender Systems, Graph Neural Networks
Short bio / research interests / publications: In school, I used to win some olympiads and enrolled in university on a non-competitive basis. During my bachelor my main research interests were related to Morse theory in polytopes, then I enjoyed Machine Learning. I won all in-course ML competitions, and a year later, when I started my Master’s education in Advanced Mathematics, I was hunted by Anton Alekseev into Sergey Nikolenko’s lab at PDMI RAS. There I was actively working on commercial DL research for big tech companies (Huawei and SBER), during this time we wrote 3 papers where I was the first author — the links are available in my CV.

Also, I have been married for almost 4 years, my wife is pursuing her Master’s degree in sociology at Konstanz University, that’s why I have a superior interest in PhDs somewhere near: ETH, EPFL, Politecnico di Milano is my ultimate dream, and I am wondering if you can give me any advice on enrolling process or anything that may help me to get into this universities.