Nick Zadubrovsky

Link to CV:
Level: PhD, Internship, Research Visit
Keywords: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence
Short bio / research interests / publications: Obtained both BSc and MSc in Applied Mathematics and Physics in MIPT. Worked on a side project with a UK-based R&D company as a programmer consultant; simultaneously worked as Software Developer Assistant at a similar company in Moscow. Worked on engineering computational soft (modules/microservices) and helped its integration into other software.

Now I am a ML/AI Research (Engineer) at Helmoltz Centre for Environmental Research, developing and implementing algorithms to predict possible pathalogical outcomes in humans. Next year (Autumn 2023) my contract expires (I got selected for an advanced, Post-Doc-level compareble position) and I am looking for further academic (PhD) / industrial oportunities.

My interests span from the basics of Computer Science to state-of-the-art AI and ML/DL (both fundamentals and applications). Moreover, I am interested in IT/Cybersecurity and applications of Deep Learning to it. Put short, I adapt easily to a new research/working context and can accustom my interim and long-term goals within the majors above.

Languages: English — almost bilingual (CPE Certificate), German — fluent (limited working proficiency though).