Mikhail Shirokikh

Email: mscirokikh@yandex.ru
Link to CV: https://arabel1a.github.io/me/
Level: PhD, Internship, Research Visit
Keywords: Machine Learning, Decision Science, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, SAT solving, Recommender Systems, Graph Neural Networks
Short bio / research interests / publications: In school, I used to win some olympiads and enrolled in university on a non-competitive basis. During my bachelor my main research interests were related to Morse theory in polytopes, then I enjoyed Machine Learning. I won all in-course ML competitions, and a year later, when I started my Master’s education in Advanced Mathematics, I was hunted by Anton Alekseev into Sergey Nikolenko’s lab at PDMI RAS. There I was actively working on commercial DL research for big tech companies (Huawei and SBER), during this time we wrote 3 papers where I was the first author — the links are available in my CV.

Also, I have been married for almost 4 years, my wife is pursuing her Master’s degree in sociology at Konstanz University, that’s why I have a superior interest in PhDs somewhere near: ETH, EPFL, Politecnico di Milano is my ultimate dream, and I am wondering if you can give me any advice on enrolling process or anything that may help me to get into this universities.

Aleksandr Smirnov

Email: alex.smir152@gmail.com
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EFJ0qxRDJi9CvlMdMvBVHimwZs2LI5Ca
Level: MS, Internship
Keywords: machine learning, data analysis
Short bio / research interests / publications: I’m Bachelor of ITMO University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), computer technologies department. My main research is recommending parameters of evolution algorithms by fitness landscape analysis and machine learning (GECCO2022 paper). I’d like to improve my machine learning skills and get master’s degree.

Richard Flores

Email: rflo147@wgu.edu
Website: datascience.monster
Link to CV: https://datascience.monster/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Richard-Flores-Resume-PUBLIC.pdf
Level: PhD, Internship
Keywords: Data Analytics, Data Science, SQL, Python, Tableau, Machine Learning, NLP, USA
Short bio / research interests / publications: I am a recent Master of Science, Data Analysis graduate from the USA. I have spent the past several years immersing myself in Data Analytics and Machine Learning. I’m excited to bring my expertise the role of a PhD program as a Data Scientist.

I have experience in data visualization and developing workflows to compare diverse data sources. I also have many years professional experience as an IT Engineer working for companies like Genetech and Facebook. I have strong communication skills and experience in explaining technical topics to a general audience.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Please feel free to contact me at +1 415-891-7125 or rflo147@wgu.edu


Email: realex1902@gmail.com
Website: https://linkedin.com/in/alex-malkhasov
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g1bRN1Wgr4eSq4f0OVUT_2nQEdFbk_Wj/view?usp=sharing
Level: PhD, MS, Internship, Research Visit
Keywords: Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science
Short bio / research interests / publications: I am a 4th-year student in the Faculty of Information Technology and Big Data Analysis at the Moscow Financial University. My main research areas are the medical application of AI techniques, NLP and Deep Learning.
Along with studying I work as a Middle Data Scientist at JSC Tochka. You may find the description of my work via the LinkedIn link above. Some of my achievements:

– EENLP: Cross-lingual Eastern European NLP Index (https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.02605)
– Fraud Detection: Using Artificial Intelligence to Identify Suspicious Persons Over the Phone (https://web.wpi.edu/Pubs/E-project/Available/E-project-051220-233043/)
– Secure Container for Data Protection in Transit and at Rest (SCDPTR) (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxhY21tc2V8Z3g6NWY0N2I1NmNkNzRhNWFkMQ)
– Hawk (Named Entity Recognition for German documents) (https://github.com/ReAlex1902/Hawk)

Dmitry Evdokimov

Email: dmevdok@gmail.com
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dmevdok
Link to CV: https://dmevdok.github.io/CV_Evdokimov_Dmitry.pdf
Level: PhD, Research Visit
Keywords: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Generative Models, Experimental Physics, Natural Language Processing
Short bio / research interests / publications: Hi!

I’m a Machine Learning Researcher / Engineer with 3-year experience in Data Science industry (NLP). Currently I’m also finishing my master’s in Data Science working at the intersection of Deep Learning (generative models) and experimental physics in the Higher School of Economics. I left Russia, so doing it remotely.

I’m looking for a research position in Machine Learning (ideally, applied to Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Medicine, etc.). NLP-related positions are interesting for me too.

Feel free to contact me if you found my CV interesting.

Anton Naumov

Email: naumov.anton@phystech.edu
Website: https://github.com/vandedok
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pli75kh-MexyMBCi-I5DtUzIGILS0wFY/view?usp=drivesdk
Level: PhD, Research Visit
Keywords: Machine learning, Deep learning, Comuter Vision, AI for healthcare
Short bio / research interests / publications: Hello!

I am a ML researcher with primary focus on computer vision with applications in biology and healthcare. I am working in this area for several years in Ivannikov Institute for System Programming. Right I am mostly interested in object detection, self-supervised learning and generative modeling, however I have some industrial (non-research) experience with genetics.

I got my bachelors (MIPT) and masters (MIPT+Skoltech) degrees in applied mathematics and physics. My thesis are about superconductivity — I did some analytical research in Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics.

I hope to be useful in your projects. Feel free to get more detail from my CV or by contacting me by email.

Grigory Reznikov

Email: gritukan@gmail.com
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tdx7zyKwUYvwr6u32PtAiiY0e-5u5zxQ/view
Level: PhD, Research Visit
Keywords: Algorithms, computer science, complexity
Short bio / research interests / publications: I am a final year undergraduate student in National Research University Higher School of Economics and looking for PhD position in theoretical computer science. The areas of my research mostly include fine-grained complexity and circuit complexity, but I’m interested in algorithms and complexity in general. During my Master’s we were working on minimum circuit size problem with some of the results published in (https://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2021/14616/pdf/LIPIcs-ESA-2021-35.pdf).

Anna Klezovich

Email: belkannkl@gmail.com
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anna-klezovich-116666196/
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XdEIHzBEwZZIrhC50pjC9pfiqHMI53WL/view?usp=sharing
Level: PhD
Keywords: python, Data Science, NLP, machine translation, data augmentation
Short bio / research interests / publications: NLP developer, former sign language researcher. Working on low-resourced machine translation from sign language to spoken language. Also interested in data augmentarion, masked language modeling, BERT and co. Links to publications are in my CV.

Gregory Emdin

Email: egd3700@mail.ru
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15xdut-MaZTShkH76C4Tq6uksMsT42LUc/view?usp=sharing
Level: PhD, MS, Research Visit
Keywords: Algorithms, computer science, combinatorics, lower bounds, boolean circuits
Short bio / research interests / publications: I’m a final year undergraduate student at Saint Petersburg State University looking for a magistracy or phd position in theoretical computer science. The areas of my research interest include algorithms, complexity, and combinatorics. Currently I’m working at St.Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, on development CircuitSat solver. We are now close to publishing a paper about lower bound for CNF encodings of parity function (https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01082).

Andrei Kulumbetov

Email: 8wandrew8@gmail.com
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-kulumbetov-997b6b233/
Link to CV: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6906688606359199744/
Level: MS
Keywords: masters,graduate,data science,time series
Short bio / research interests / publications: Primarily interested in Time Series smoothing, forecasting, clustering and classification with different applications.
– Currently doing research on «Time Series Clustering for investment portfolio
Under the supervision of Lyudmila Gadasina, Qualification Paper
– Did research on «Cluster Analysis in identifying differences in tolerance rate and quality
of life among European countries»
Own research, planned for publication
– Did research on «System Dynamics for the analysis of Higher Education Management
With support of Mariia Kozlova
– Did research on «Methods of evaluating the competitiveness of Russian Universities»
Under the supervision of Vladimir Khalin
– Did research on «ANOVA analysis to assess structural differences between higher
education institutions participating in “5-100” and others»
Own research
– Mathematical methods development for evaluating the success of the promotion of
Russian universities in QS, THE, and ARWU rankings
In collaboration with Leyla Hojatova and Polina Firsova, planned for publication
Under the supervision of Vladimir Khali

Aakash Bhatia

Email: aakashbhatia19@gmail.com
Website: https://www.github.com/aakashb1
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1l18yBnoB4GEvoUZY2nZxmmhIe3TAUtRt?usp=sharing
Level: PhD, MS, Internship, Research Visit
Keywords: Python, Data Science, Machine Learning
Short bio / research interests / publications: I was born in a family, where I was given liberty to pursue my interests which gave me the space to think freely and ask questions. From diving into textbooks to getting our hands dirty in the laboratory, I was always fascinated by the parallels we can draw in the two worlds. I studied hard and secured my B.Tech from Malviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur where I had the opportunity to study mathematics, thermodynamics, simulation etc.
In 2017, I moved to Pittsburgh to pursue my Masters of Sciences from Carnegie Mellon University which was a mix of course work and thesis. I chose Chemical Engineering because I was really fascinated by the research on mathematics performed by the faculty there. From attending lectures on optimizing large scale systems by Prof. Larry Biegler to implementing genetic algorithms to solve an NP-hard problem, the coursework really helped me build a foundation. Later, I also got the opportunity to work on my master’s thesis under the guidance of Prof. Nikolaos Sahinidis on an industrial text analytics problem for reliability. I also got an opportunity to take courses on deep learning and natural language processing which further helped me enhance my working knowledge on my thesis. The course also helped me get hands on experience on both text and utterances as input.
Adding to the academic background, I was involved in various hackathons that involved problems from the medical domain. One of which was to identify sleeping patterns in a healthy human’s sleeping cycle for which we in a team of 5 built a binary classification model utilizing a sliding window approach to feature engineer the data. The second was a natural language problem to identify the cancer site location based on a person’s diagnostic history, the event was in collaboration with a hospital in Pittsburgh.
At present, I hold a great deal of interests in machine learning. For example trying to understand how state of the art machine learning techniques can help gain better insights on underlying operational data. Although neural networks are tagged as universal approximators, one can still see varying performances in the domain of images and natural language. While challenging, I feel I would be able to contribute to the lab’s ongoing research with my interdisciplinary research and more than that learn the missing connections through the use of algorithmic techniques that form the core of many machine learning models out there.

Angelina Parfenova

Email: anyur.pa@gmail.com
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qny8pG6Ue_v5XK7AlMQAU-WNbSk3GcFB/view?usp=sharing
Level: PhD, Internship
Keywords: Data Science, NLP, Machine Learning, Computational social science
Short bio / research interests / publications: I am currently completing the second year of my Master’s degree at my home university National Research University Higher School of Economics, specialization – Data Science. Right now I am an exchange student in University of Grenoble, specialization – Applied mathematics.

I have a great desire to continue educational and scientific activities abroad.

My bachelor’s specialty is sociology, during which we mainly studied statistical methods. I enclose my CV and a sample of my works. One is a publication in the Q2 journal, where I used structural equation modeling to analyze behavioral characteristics during a pandemic. The second one is a term paper from last year. In computer science I am mostly dealing with NLP, currently working on an automation coding project for semi-structured interviews (https://github.com/Likich/TM_graph). However, I also have projects on computer vision (https://github.com/Dghitman/TipsTricks_Project_TrLights).

So far I have several publications and participated in international conferences, including the International Conference on Computational Social Science in the Netherlands, and participated in a summer school on computational social science from Montreal.

Recently I took part in a hackathon with a colleague where we wrote an OSINT that automatically scrapes news resources and extracts entities from them using NER, displaying everything in a graph (https://github.com/jademirror/ng_hackaton).

Timofey Trifonov

Email: timak474@gmail.com
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/timofey-trifonov-ba8231223/
Link to CV: https://resume.io/r/sr1XziSGZ
Level: PhD, MS, Internship, Research Visit
Keywords: Data science, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, NLP, Sound analysis, AI
Short bio / research interests / publications: I’m a final year (BSc) undergraduate student at Tyumen State University, majoring in Mathematics.
I’m looking for an MS/PhD position or an internship in Computer Vision, NLP or generalized – Machine learning.

At the moment I have almost 4 years of experience in the field of working with audio (speech recognition, synthesis, audio denoising, etc.). Currently I work in the international company “Voctiv” as a Middle+ Data Scientist, where I continue to engage in R&D.
While working as Data Scientist in the company, I learned to write clean code, which allowed me to write highload services in addition to research, and also helped to quickly implement (as well as correct and improve) the results of articles.

Also my recent articles/experiments and research activities:

– “NTI” grant for the development of a dialogue system with a reaction to the emotional coloring of speech.
– Article “g2tmn at Constraint@AAAI2021: Exploiting CT-BERT and Ensembling Learning for COVID-19 Fake News Detection” (https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-73696-5_12)
– Multimodal approaches in CV (GAN’s, VAE’s, etc.) for tasks of image generation
– Fine-tuning and building pipelines with VQ-VAE+CLIP, ruDALL-E, JukeBox, etc.
– Research in the field of building multimodal approaches in audio-text problems
(More info about my background can be found in CV)

I speak English fluently, recently started learning French.
Love learning and doing research!

Ekaterina Dagkesamanskaya

Email: dagkesamanskaya@gmail.com
Link to CV: https://github.com/dagkesamanskaya/dagkesamanskaya/blob/main/CV_Dagkesamanskaya_Ekaterina_Bioinformatician.pdf
Level: MS, Internship, Research Visit
Keywords: Bioinformatics, medical genomics, neurobiology
Short bio / research interests / publications: I am Life Sciences Master’s student at Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. I am looking for potential opportunities for continuing my research abroad a year before PhD. I completed the academic part of my Master’s education with 4.7/5.0 GPA and I am searching for M2 internships or transfers for the second year to do thesis research. I have experience in building bioinformatics pipelines, brain gene expression data analysis and interested in medical and evolutionary genomics. Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

Tatiana Gaintseva

Email: gaintseva.t@gmail.com
Website: atmyre.github.io (just launched, articles, videos & podcasts are coming soon)
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1By0see-UbPHEq8hbhua63ikWM7lpTKv8/view?usp=sharing
Level: PhD
Keywords: phd, deep learning, ai, dl, multimodality, robustness, machine learning, research, computer vision, cv
Short bio / research interests / publications: My name is Tania, I’m 26 years old. I got bachelor’s and master’s diplomas in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, department of Innovations and High Technology. After that I have done internships at Yandex and Google (Yandex — DL research, Google — SRE) and have worked as DL researcher (computer vision) at Huawei R&D center. Currently I am working at Philips as DL researcher, specialising on CV. I have also started PhD at HSE, but then realised that the area of research was not interesting to me and I quit. During my PhD I’ve made a publication: https://peerj.com/articles/cs-274/ and a poster on ICLR: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r2nDhkQLCpk32thTj2u23bjaa07KH1-o/view. More info about my background and work can be found in CV.

I am really passionate about DL research, I now feel it’s a job of my dream. I not only work as DL researcher, I also teach deep learning at DLSchool (dlschool.org, lessons’ videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFTNoZYjkg-3LZTHrHfV1nQ) and, from time to time, in other companies/schools. Besides, I do a podcast about aspects of a profession of DL researcher and write a blog in Telegram about research papers and innovation in DL (both in Russian currently). I also have launched a site: https://atmyre.github.io, where I plan to write articles related to DL

I’m currently looking for a PhD position related to DL research, as this would really boost my career as DL researcher. I would really love to have such opportunity.

Slava Gorchakov

Email: gorchakov.vv@phystech.edu
Link to CV: https://github.com/vgorchakov/CV/blob/main/CV.pdf
Level: MS, Internship
Keywords: Optimization, Operations Research, Chance-Constrained Optimization, Logistics, Data Vizualization, OPL, CPLEX, Gurobi, Flask
Short bio / research interests / publications: Hi! I am Slava. I am a four-year student at MIPT and I am looking for potential opportunities to continue my study. Master degree/Internship.
My passion is analysis, optimization, and modeling. My main experience lies in the domains of data science, operations research, and mathematical optimization.

Alexander Shirnin

Email: alexamailwork@gmail.com
Link to CV: https://github.com/25icecreamflavors/CV/blob/main/CV_ShirninAA_eng.pdf
Level: PhD, MS, Internship, Research Visit
Keywords: Data science, data analysis, machine learning, management, visualization
Short bio / research interests / publications: I’m a final year bachelor student at HSE Moscow (computer science). Currently I’m working as an intern researcher in a Laboratory for Models and Methods of Computational Pragmatics in HSE. I work there on my bachelor thesis “robustness of VQA models” with my team, we are planning a publication in several months.
I’m really concerned about the current situation and would like to find founded research positions or master’s programs abroad. I’m very interested in areas that combine management, technology and data analysis.

Aleks Malkhasov

Email: realex1902@gmail.com
Website: https://linkedin.com/in/alex-malkhasov
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YPBftop_T8u2NdkcnipAml6PQTYGHEJQ/view?usp=sharing
Level: MS, Internship
Keywords: Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science
Short bio / research interests / publications: I am a 4th-year student in the Faculty of Information Technology and Big Data Analysis at the Moscow Financial University. My main research areas are the medical application of AI techniques, NLP and Deep Learning.
Along with studying I work as a Middle Data Scientist at JSC Tochka. You may find the description of my work via the LinkedIn link above. Some of my achievements:

– EENLP: Cross-lingual Eastern European NLP Index (https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.02605)
– Fraud Detection: Using Artificial Intelligence to Identify Suspicious Persons Over the Phone (https://web.wpi.edu/Pubs/E-project/Available/E-project-051220-233043/)
– Secure Container for Data Protection in Transit and at Rest (SCDPTR) (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxhY21tc2V8Z3g6NWY0N2I1NmNkNzRhNWFkMQ)
– Hawk (Named Entity Recognition for German documents) (https://github.com/ReAlex1902/Hawk)


Email: solovyanov.mm@phystech.edu
Link to CV: https://github.com/mikprin/CV/blob/master/06-2021/cv.pdf
Level: PhD, MS, Internship, Research Visit
Keywords: electrical engineering, IC design, DSP, signals, PCB, IC, Circuits, electronics,devices, analog, MCU, embedded, programming, memory, neurointerface, Altium, KiCAD, python, C,C++, networks
Short bio / research interests / publications: • Interdisciplinary electrical engineer, programmer and scientist with skills and experience in electronics, programming, machine
learning, computer networks and measurements.
• Led development of a project resulting in a patent.
• Self-motivated, problem-solving and collaborative scientist with notable communication and management skills.
• Have no stress digging in interdisciplinary fields and learning new subjects on the fly.

Katya Artemova

Email: ekaterina.l.artemova@gmail.com
Link to CV: https://github.com/artemovae/cv/blob/main/EArtemova.pdf
Level: Research Visit
Keywords: natural language processing, natural language understanding
Short bio / research interests / publications: At the moment, I am a PostDoc researcher at the HSE University in Moscow. I earned my Ph.D. in CS from the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2016. My main research interests lie in the NLU and language models’ interpretation and evaluation areas. Here are my recent projects :

* Creation of the RussianSuperGLUE benchmark (EMNLP 2020);
* Out-of-domain detection for intent recognition (AAAI 2021);
* Multilingual probing analysis (*ACL workshops 2020-2021);
* Applications of topological data analysis to artificial text detection (EMNLP 2021);
* Evaluation of neural architecture search results for RNN-based language models (pre-print, 2021).

I have experience in organizing conference workshops and holding shared tasks. Other community service tasks I did are reviewing for *ACL conferences and workshops, LREC and multiple Q2/Q1 journal during a last few years.

Finally, I love teaching!

Aleksandr Ositsyn

Email: aleksandrositsyn@gmail.com
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aleksandr-ositsyn-5b51761b8/
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QukMOq3qVBi2fTQHJ9B5eezMdbbs8EFh/view
Level: PhD, MS, Internship
Keywords: Graph Representation Learning, Social Network Analysis, Graph Theory, Deep Learning, Machine Learning
Short bio / research interests / publications: I am a second year PhD student at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics. Previously, I have earned my BSc and MSc from NSU. During that time, I was engaged in research in the field of algebraic graph theory. I have presented my master’s theses on a local conference, later conference paper was published. Now I am doing research in the field of graph representation learning. Consequently, I am interested in all kinds of related disciplines, such as social network analysis, knowledge graphs, machine learning, etc.

Also, I have commercial experience doing data science and software engineering, so it would not be a problem for me to write clean code or implement models/algorithms from papers.

Aleksandrina Streltsova

Email: aleksandrina.strelczova@gmail.com
Website: https://github.com/aleksandrina-streltsova/
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BUxHkaULkoVTNoO7LZ1kinxOIo847V7c/view?usp=sharing
Level: PhD, MS, Internship
Keywords: object tracking, photogrammetry, image processing, computational science, ML
Short bio / research interests / publications: I’m a final year undergraduate student at Saint Petersburg State University, majoring in Computer Science. I’m looking for an open MS/PhD position or an internship in computer vision, computational science or machine learning.

Alexey Gordeev

Email: gordalserg@gmail.com
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k4viKDP3leMoiMZYnxFat8VjH2L1I6xQ/view?usp=sharing
Level: PhD, Internship, Research Visit
Keywords: combinatorics, graph theory, optimization problems in geometry
Short bio / research interests / publications: I’m a researcher at PDMI RAS. I was planning to defend a PhD thesis this year, though I am not sure if and when it will happen now. My main areas of research are different application of polynomial method (Combinatorial Nullstellensatz, in particular) in combinatorics, (hyper)graph colorings and extremal problems, optimization problems in geometry (namely, maximal distance minimizers). Currently looking for a new PhD position, ideally, with preserving at least some of the progress I already have. I would also be very greatful for an opportunity for a research visit.

Ivan Mihajlin

Email: ivmihajlin@gmail.com
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nh-c4NjZ5bhiVTyMpudd7VsXmxRDID6x/view?usp=sharing
Level: Internship, Research Visit
Keywords: сomplexity, algorithms
Short bio / research interests / publications: I’m a researcher mostly interested in all the different flavors of complexity theory: circuit complexity, communication complexity, arithmetic complexity, structural complexity and fine-grained complexity. I also have considerable expirience in algorithm design. I’m currently not in a right state of mind to make any long-term commitments, but I’d very greatful for an oportunity for a research visit.

Anastasia Sofronova

Email: ana.a.sofronova@gmail.com
Website: http://asofronova.com
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kz3YOFYM8qd0hyWpjoERjSOpJk0d8gz3/view?usp=sharing
Level: PhD
Keywords: proof complexity, circuit complexity, formula complexity, communication complexity
Short bio / research interests / publications: I’m a first-year PhD student at PDMI RAS. I’m primarily interested in proof complexity, circuit and formula complexity. Currently looking for PhD position to start over.

Nick Zadubrovsky

Email: nikita.zadubrovskii@ufz.de
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zadubrovsky/
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W6OZNh5dy9TZTPeYzonF3_b09aVQchR1/view?usp=sharing
Level: PhD, Internship, Research Visit
Keywords: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence
Short bio / research interests / publications: Obtained both BSc and MSc in Applied Mathematics and Physics in MIPT. Worked on a side project with a UK-based R&D company as a programmer consultant; simultaneously worked as Software Developer Assistant at a similar company in Moscow. Worked on engineering computational soft (modules/microservices) and helped its integration into other software.

Now I am a ML/AI Research (Engineer) at Helmoltz Centre for Environmental Research, developing and implementing algorithms to predict possible pathalogical outcomes in humans. Next year (Autumn 2023) my contract expires (I got selected for an advanced, Post-Doc-level compareble position) and I am looking for further academic (PhD) / industrial oportunities.

My interests span from the basics of Computer Science to state-of-the-art AI and ML/DL (both fundamentals and applications). Moreover, I am interested in IT/Cybersecurity and applications of Deep Learning to it. Put short, I adapt easily to a new research/working context and can accustom my interim and long-term goals within the majors above.

Languages: English — almost bilingual (CPE Certificate), German — fluent (limited working proficiency though).

Sergey Novozhilov

Email: novozhilov1999@mail.ru
Link to CV:
Level: MS, Internship
Keywords: TCS, computational complexity, proof complexity, algorithms, probability theory
Short bio / research interests / publications: I got my bachelor’s degree in pure mathematics last summer at Saint Petersburg State University with average mark 4.8 out of 5 (and all marks are not less than 4). I am currently in my first year of MS in mathematics. I am interested in research in the field of computational complexity theory. During undergraduate school I also studied probability theory (more specifically stochastic processes).

I am primarily interested in transferring or restarting my MS studies.

Also I have some engineering experience. I contributed linear algebra algorithms to open source linear algebra library: https://github.com/Kotlin/multik (my github profile: polka125)

German Magai

Email: gera128a@gmail.com
Website: https://github.com/Germandev55
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12rd8N2p1QMvIR7jPkMXnoXclbzGMgUgt/view?usp=sharing
Level: PhD, Internship, Research Visit
Keywords: Deep learning theory, Computer vision (CV), Topology and geometry in deep learning, topological data analysis (TDA), Generative models, Face recognition and object detection
Short bio / research interests / publications: I am a second year Ph.D. student at the Higher School of Economics (Moscow), and I am interested in deep learning, computer vision, and algebraic topology methods in computer science. Previously, I worked as a research engineer in the field of computer vision. The topic of my master’s thesis was related to face recognition systems and methods of protection against attacks on these systems. I am looking for a PhD position or a research engineer position.

My research interests include the following topics:
1) Theoretical issues of deep learning (interpretability and explainability of deep neural network (DNN) models, convergence, evaluation of generalizing ability)
2) Application of algebraic topology and geometry methods to analyze deep learning models (CNNs, Vision Transformers) and evaluate the quality and performance of DNN models.
3) Generative learning. GAN performance evaluation problems and other related theoretical issues.
4) Face recognition systems, anti-spoofing algorithms, as well as object recognition and detection (gestures, clothes, etc.)

Egor Gorbachev

Email: peltorator@gmail.com
Link to CV: https://peltorator.ru/Egor_Gorbachev_resume.pdf
Level: PhD, MS
Keywords: TCS, theoretical computer science, algorithms
Short bio / research interests / publications: I’m finishing my final year of undergraduate computer science at Saint Petersburg State university this summer and looking for any open master/PhD positions in theoretical computer science. I’m mostly interested in algorithms and complexity theory.

Ivan Nazarov

Email: ivan.nazarov@skolkovotech.ru
Website: https://github.com/ivannz
Link to CV: https://github.com/ivannz/CV/blob/main/nazarov_eng.pdf
Level: PhD, Research Visit
Keywords: RL, ML, optimization, sparsification, hierarchical RL
Short bio / research interests / publications: I am a 35 year old with 12 year working experience. I have been deeply immersed in machine learning for the last seven years, during which worked on various project, both industrial and theoretically inclined, aimed at optimization and sparsification methods for DL.

I have successfully completed my PhD studies on “applied mathematics, computer science and engineering” at Skoltech in 2020. My PhD thesis on the topic of model sparsification: sparse-regularized matrix decompositions, variational dropout, and parameter pruning methods based on second-order loss approximation. I have one major paper at ICML2020 (https://proceedings.mlr.press/v119/nazarov20a.html) about variational Dropout for complex-valued deep networks.

In the last year i have been consumed by the exciting and challenging field of Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control, specifically hierarchical policies, planning, MCTS and adaptive computations. My team took first place in the recent NeurIPS Nethack Challenge for our hybrid algorithmic-neural solution.

Aleksandra Novikova

Email: aleksnovikova@gmail.com
Link to CV: https://github.com/AlyaNovikova/portfolio/blob/main/Aleksandra_Novikova.pdf
Level: PhD, MS
Keywords: machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing, computer science, bioinformatics
Short bio / research interests / publications: I’m a final year undergraduate computer science student at St. Petersburg State University looking for an MS/PhD position in machine learning or computer vision. I’m generally interested in any area of computer science.

Currently, I’m working on Sketch-based character pose estimation using artificial neural networks. I also developed a tensor linear algebra library for machine learning in Kotlin at JetBrains Research.

Svyatoslav Gryaznov

Email: svyatoslav.i.gryaznov@gmail.com
Website: https://nightuser.fun (work in progress, will be updated soon)
Link to CV: https://nightuser.fun/cv.pdf (backup: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t0Unt-sPKuNm5U0AsrX5XHtt2HA3bswX/view?usp=sharing)
Level: PhD, Internship
Keywords: TCS,PhD,combinatorics,proof theory,circuit complexity
Short bio / research interests / publications: I am a PhD student at PDMI RAS primarily interested in TCS and combinatorics. My latest research was devoted to proof systems–in particular, Res-Lin proof system over finite fields and related computational models extending branching programs–and circuit complexity–one of the last paper (joint work) explores Valiant’s program posing a combinatorial hypergraph-related problem. The latter work also involves a few problems related to extremal graph theory, which seem to be interesting on their own. Overall, my research interests include algebraic proof systems, Boolean function complexity (in particular, progress towards strong AC0-Xor lower bounds), extremal combinatorics. See CV or https://dblp.org/pid/243/3837.html for a list of publications related to TCS.


Email: VMarchenkoff@gmail.com
Link to CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vmarchenkoff/
Level: PhD, Internship
Keywords: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision (CV), Classic ML Algorithms, Math, Statistics, Mechanical Engineering, Strength of Materials, Education, Teaching, Materials, Lectures.
Short bio / research interests / publications: Currently I am a Data Scientist at S7 Airlines (S7 TechLab department). Work on aircraft engines data in terms of fuel efficiency and predictive maintenance problems.
Also, second year student of master’s program in Computer Science and Data Analysis and Teaching Assistant in Machine Learning courses Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
Boeing Structural Analysis Engineer in the past. Proficiency in airframe design, static strength and fatigue analysis. Cumulative year of months-long business trips to on-site support of assembly lines in Everett, WA (USA).
First complete higher education (Engineer’s degree) was received in Mechanical Engineering at Bauman Moscow State Technical University in 2013.

Vitalii Aksenov

Email: viviaxenov@gmail.com
Website: https://github.com/viviaxenov
Link to CV: https://www.overleaf.com/read/rpwtrgcmdmgr
Level: PhD
Keywords: Applied Mathematics, Scientific Computing, Numerical Analysis, Inverse Problems, Optimization
Short bio / research interests / publications: I’ve obtained my Bachelor’s degree and will be getting my Master’s degree in July 2022, both from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. My field of study is Applied Mathematics and Physics. I’m searching for a PhD position in numerical analysis, in particular, solution of Inverse Problems. My current research is devoted to solving a coefficient inverse problem for a thin composite plate. I have 3 published papers, details here https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0003-4977-101X

Daniil Cherniavskii

Email: Daniil.Cherniavskii@skoltech.ru
Link to CV: https://github.com/danchern97/CV/blob/master/AcademicCV.pdf
Level: PhD
Keywords: Topological Data Analysis, Geometric Deep Learning, NLP
Short bio / research interests / publications: I am getting my masters degree in Data Science at Skoltech and I earned my bachelor degree at MIPT. My paper on merging topological data analysis with natural language processing got accepted to EMNLP 2021. I also worked at Huawei and I am currently employed as junior researcher at AIRI. My research interests mostly lie in the fields of TDA and representation learning, but are not limited by them!

Dmitrii Babichev

Email: shiftdmitryalt@gmail.com
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dmitry-babichev-59207a145/
Link to CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gn7co0jmouoza05/BabichevDO.pdf?dl=0
Level: PhD
Keywords: machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, generative models
Short bio / research interests / publications: My name is Babichev Dmitry (but in passport it spells ‘Dmitrii’), I have bachelor and master degree in computer science from MSU and HSE, have some research experience (worked in Samsung AI Center for a year). I’m looking for an PhD position with TA. Also I have 2 accepted papers (and 2 rejected 🙂 ). ANd I have passed IELTS Academic, total score 7.0

Alexander Loginov

Email: lxndrloginov@gmail.com
Website: https://github.com/Loganche
Link to CV: https://github.com/Loganche/cv
Level: MS, Internship
Keywords: ML, NLP, Multithreading, Concurrency
Short bio / research interests / publications: I’m a 3rd year BA student at ITMO University in Saint-Petersburg. Currently, I’m seeking an MS degree outside Russia and an internship. I was working on a project using NLP in mobile apps and Telegram bots. Now I’m working on a streaming service project using C++ multithreading.

Anna Aksenova

Email: aksanna_a@mail.ru
Link to CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k_Q-ckuCcflgtBWJEj18ZUVlVUcS3SwS/view?usp=drivesdk
Level: PhD, MS, Internship
Keywords: NLP, Conversational AI, WSI, Frame Semantics
Short bio / research interests / publications: I am currently finishing my Bachelor degree in Computational Linguistics. I am also working in the biggest Russian bank company. I recently transferred from Data Analyst position to ML Engeneer. Now I am responsible for intent recogniser and node classificators in voice assistant. My major areas of interest are probing, computational semantics and conversational AI.

Ekaterina Taktasheva

Email: evtaktasheva@gmail.com
Website: https://github.com/evtaktasheva
Link to CV: https://github.com/evtaktasheva/cv/blob/main/CV.pdf
Level: PhD, MS, Internship
Keywords: NLP, Computational Linguistics, ML
Short bio / research interests / publications: I am a 4th year undergrad student at the HSE University, Moscow, majoring in Theoretical and Computational Linguistics. Looking for a MS or PhD positions in NLP and Computer Science. Currently I am a research assistant in the Core NLP Team at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (Moscow, Russia), where I am working on test data transformations for NLU benchmarks such as RussianSuperGLUE. Previously worked on probing of the Transformer models at Sber and Knowledge Graph Extraction at DeepPavlov. Refer to CV for more details.

Artur Riazanov

Email: tunyash@gmail.com
Website: https://tunyash.github.io/
Link to CV:
Level: PhD
Keywords: complexity, phd
Short bio / research interests / publications: I am interested in proof complexity and complexity in general.

Anton Paramonov

Email: anton-paramonov2000@yandex.ru
Link to CV: https://github.com/werty144/portfolio/blob/master/cv.pdf
Level: PhD, MS
Keywords: Algorithms, computer science, combinatorics
Short bio / research interests / publications: I’m a final year undergraduate student at Saint Petersburg State University looking for a magistracy or phd position in theoretical computer science. The areas of my research interest include algorithms, complexity, and combinatorics. Currently I’m working at ITMO Univeristy, Saint Petersburg, on online algorithms for graph embeddings and a generalization of Minimum Linear Arrangement concept. We are now close to publishing a paper on that.

Vanya Pavlov

Email: pavlov200912@gmail.com
Website: https://pavlov200912.github.io
Link to CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xp32ov1timlfett/Ivan_s_Resume.pdf?dl=0
Level: PhD, MS
Keywords: machine learning, natural language processing, computer science,bioinformatics
Short bio / research interests / publications: I’m a final year undergraduate computer science student at Saint Petersburg State University looking for a ms/phd position in machine learning or bioinformatics.
The areas of my research interest include natural language processing and machine learning. Currently, I’m working on machine learning applications for software engineering domain. Together with my advisor, I’ve worked on the problem of detecting inconsistent comments in source code and collected the largest dataset in the research area.